Tuesday, February 14, 2012


After wandering and traveling and seeing and experiencing, settling down is rather a scary venture for me. As difficult as it may be to pack, unpack, board planes, meet new people, and engage with new ideas, it is equally as difficult and terrifying at times for me to just settle down and commit to a place and community. I know what travel and adventure looks like -- I've been blessed with those things for the past few years. But a vision of what it means to stay and to invest? That's what I'm learning about now.

And so, I embark on a new type of adventure. The adventure of staying. And I think within that venture, there are all kinds of opportunities to explore, to travel, to learn and to grow. Perhaps these opportunities come in different forms than before, like in reading a book instead of boarding a plane, but they are filled with unexpected joys as well.

I'm looking forward to some of the following things in this new season: Enjoying time spent with friends here; writing letters to friends far away; finding a job (!); anticipating what will happen in the future. With me, who knows the next time I will board a plane to a new job, country, or visit. But for now, I'll enjoy the present and the community of church and friends here. In a way, this blog is a place for me to record the things I'm learning, to wrestle with thoughts, and to speak simply of the beauty of things found in the now.

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